This babe Bikini model jassi a sweet tooth so here she was, in her office, when she saw a guy that can satisfy her cravings, and started to lick a candy in front of him. The dude couldn't help himself at that sight and went for her breasts. Find out if the doc likes semen as much she likes candy. She's in shock and needs the doc's attention. The nurse takes off her boots and the doc gropes her boobs to check if she can feel it. He goes and the nurse keeps her warm. Bikini model jassi doc comes back with his warming oil and rubs her big hot boobs and ass. Now she's really hot and sucks the doc's cock togheter with the nurse The doc found his nurse's slutty outfit. He's a pro and respects his Bikini model jassi but this was way to much. He asks her to Bikini model jassi around and decides to give her a lesson. She can always leave but she won't because this babe wants a taste of his dick, but after they will save this guy. Stay tuned for more Doctor Adventure.